May 9, 2024

Nimusiima Edward, the advertising copywriter wearing many hats

By George Wabweyo The first time I heard of Edward Nimusiima, it was direct from him…in my Facebook Messenger. He aspired to be a writer. A […]
May 7, 2024

Remembering the Future: Editing a window into Ugandan culture

Christopher Conte, the editor of the book “Remembering the Future” sits down with The Word and shares his perspective on curating this thought-provoking collection. Conte, an […]
May 7, 2024

aBi announces Shs66.8 billion investment to enhance climate-smart agriculture in Uganda as two new programmes launch

Agricultural Business Initiative (aBi) unveiled its five-year business plan to drive green, inclusive economic transformation and combat the climate crisis by launching two groundbreaking programmes that […]
May 7, 2024

MTN Uganda hits a new milestone clocking 500,000 new customers

MTN Uganda has strengthened its grip on the mobile networks market, growing its new customer base by more than 500,000 in the past four months to […]