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The Church’s Silence on Corruption: An Open letter

Dear Church Leaders,

Your silence on corruption is evident. Are you not affected?

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus criticized the Pharisees for focusing on tithes while neglecting justice, mercy, and faith. This highlights the importance of addressing corruption before emphasizing tithes and offerings.

When Jesus found thieves in the temple, he did not give them a front seat and ask for a brand new horse(car), the scriptures say he made a whip and drove them out.(John 2:15) It is concerning when those involved in corruption are celebrated, and made guests of honour at fundraising efforts. Such actions do not honor God. I do not think such a building is a dwelling place for the Lord.

When Zacchaeus showed he was willing to change his life, he said he was offering half of his belongings to the poor and paying back four times as much to anyone he had cheated.(Luke 19:8) When will you preach to the “Zacchaeuses” you give front rows everyday about paying back what they have cheated and stolen?

Emulating Jesus means standing against injustice. We remember Janani Luwum not for his sermons but for his courage in confronting injustice. His voice was heard, he was willing to stand for what he believed in. He did not ask for bodyguards or lead police cars.

Many of you have on speed dial the phone numbers of politicians and some have even bragged about how you can easily access the President. Right now is a good time to put to use that access, ask them to be transparent, ask them to payback what they have stolen, drive them out of the church if they are not willing to change and stop giving them honour.

A church that ignores justice is on a path to irrelevance. In the future, many churches may be empty, not for a lack of believers, but due to lost trust in those preaching hope.

Though we cannot force you to speak out, remember: the nation and the public are watching.

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