Nimusiima Edward, the advertising copywriter wearing many hats
May 9, 2024
Molly Kamukama’s efforts towards empowering youths in Kazo  
May 15, 2024

Uganda Census 2024: It matters to be counted

There’s a knock on my door, which is unusual because no one comes to my house unannounced. I stay in a modern cave, completely cut off from the world outside. So, I continue typing away on my laptop, dancing to the tunes of capitalism. I’m here with my loud thoughts. I prefer working in silence because silence is golden, they say. A second knock goes off and I am now concerned. Who could that be?

I stagger to my feet, drag my sandals, a few words escaping my mouth as I walk to the door. And there she is – a stranger – shadowing my door. She’s tall and wearing a wide grin. Outside, the sun is burning the earth ruthlessly. The neighborhood is eerily quiet. Like a graveyard. There’s no kid in sight (they are always playing about) or someone driving aimlessly around the compound.

“Hello, how can I help you, ma’am,” I ask her. She quickly announces that she’s the Uganda Census 2024 enumerator and she’s here to count me. “Well, I count myself lucky,” I shoot back with a failed attempt at sarcasm. She laughs as she removes her shoes. “Come in,” I tell her, as if I am inviting an Architectural Digest crew to my celebrity abode in Santa Barbara, L.A.  

Anyways, I was counted.

Look, a lot has been said about Uganda Census 2024, especially on the X social media platform by the usual section of Ugandans who poke holes in everything. At the end of the process, there was nothing to lose really. The overall objective of the National Population and Housing Census (NPHC) 2024 is to provide benchmark information on the spatial population distribution, age, and sex structure, as well as other key socio-economic and demographic characteristics.

Most important to note is that the Uganda Census 2024 is the 11th Census to be carried out in Uganda. It’s the 6th post-independence Census, and a 3rd Census to be undertaken by UBOS. Every Ugandan is encouraged to participate positively by giving accurate information at the time of enumeration. This enables the collection and processing of quality data to support planning, policy formulation and decision making at the national and sub-national levels. The enumeration runs till 19th May 2024.

It matters to be counted.

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